- Paper Engineering Diagram
- Studio project
- 2010
Ink on paper
29.7 × 21 cm
Part of _Working Drawings
_Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery
10 – 24 December 2010

Ink on paper
29.7 × 21 cm
Part of _Working Drawings
_Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery
10 – 24 December 2010
Letterpress print
57 × 44.5 cm
‘Sexy of body, yet scared of the swimsuit’ is the english translation of the Dutch pangram ‘Sexy qua lijf, doch bang voor’t zwempak’.
A pangram is a piece of text which uses every letter of the alphabet. Pangrams are commonly used to show how a certain font will appear.
Part of Reverting to Type
Standpoint Gallery, London
10 – 24 December 2010
4 – 22 January 2011
Softback, 120 pages
Designed with Fiona Banner
Series of three books
by Fred T. Jane
The Incubated Girl
Softback, 347 pages
To Venus in Five Seconds
Softback, 130 pages
The Violet Flame
Softback, 245 pages
Designed with Fiona Banner
Softback, 76 pages
Softback, 104 pages
Softback, 48 pages
Softback, 64 pages
Designed by Arnoud Verhaeghe,
a participant of Typography Summer School 2010
Overseen by
Fraser Muggeridge
Edition launch
Artists’ book launch
_Published by Milton Keynes Gallery
Performance by Inda Yansané
and Val Del Prete
Wednesday 22 September 2010
X marks the Bökship /
Donlon Books
210 / 3, Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ
Softback, 72 pages
with newspaper insert
28 pages
Hardback, 128 pages
Facsimile of catalogue designed
by Edward Wright in 1956
136 pages
Softback, 40 pages
Contribution to BOOK, edited by James Langdon, Eastside Projects
Installation at BOOK SHOW
Eastside Projects, Birmingham
3 July – 4 September 2010
Photographs by Stuart Whipps
A unique reversible
silkscreen on paper
30 × 88 cm
Edition of 100
Signed by the artist
Designed by Fraser Muggeridge studio
£100 (plus postage)
To order please email
Softback, 20 pages
Softback, 128 pages
5–9 July 2010
Daily visiting practitioners:
Sara De Bondt
Ken Garland
David Pearson
Visiting speakers:
Fiona Banner
Paul Elliman
Sarah Newitt
Stefan Kraus
12–16 July 2010
Daily visiting practitioners:
Ken Garland
Jeff Knowles
David Pearson
Visiting speakers:
Stephen Barrett
Sara De Bondt
Paul Elliman
Jamie Ellul
James Langdon
Sarah Newitt
Stefan Kraus
Softback, 52 pages
Tokyo Type Directors Club
Prize Nominee featured in book, 2010
Softback, 16 pages
Softback, 272 pages
A marathon back-to-back critique of typographic items as part of V&A Summer Camp.
Softback, 56 pages
Softback, 48 pages
Softback, 160 pages
Cover design by Why Not Associates
Semina No. 7
Softback, 128 pages
Semina No. 6
Softback, 128 pages
Semina No. 5
Softback, 120 pages
Curated by the first year MA Curating Contemporary Art students at the Royal College of Art in collaboration with Martha Hellion
Softback, 40 pages
Designed with Wolfram Wiedner
Softback, 96 pages
Softback, 56 pages
Softback, 160 pages
2-sided Election Poster
48 new books, each unique and made up of 48 different publications designed by Fraser Muggeridge studio
With an essay by Eric Kindel
Edition of 96, each unique, 20pp
Softback, 88 pages
An exhibition of 48 books, each unique and made up of 48 different publications designed by Fraser Muggeridge studio
Kaleid editions, London
31 March – 25 April 2010
Installation photographs by
Ella Finer and Fraser Muggeridge
Softback, 56 pages
Poster for Make a Mark
Hardback, 272 pages
Softback, 80 pages
Concept by Ella Finer and Fraser Muggeridge, designed by Fraser Muggeridge and Wolfram Wiedner
and coded by Wolfram Wiedner
A series of four cards