- ‘One Day in the Life of…’
- Booklet
- Room 13 Hareclive
- 2009

Hardback, 176 pages
Softback, 96 pages
Hardback and softback, 624 pages
Hardback, 464 pages
Hardback, 352 pages
A selection of book trade labels from the online collection compiled by Greg Kindall (www.sevenroads.org). These small labels, shown here at actual size, were pasted onto a book’s endpapers by booksellers, binders, printers, publishers, importers and distributors. The designs shown here have been selected for their incorporation of the graphic form of the book.
3 spot colour lithographic print
15 x 90cm
This item is only available for UK delivery
To show the communicative potential of print and paper, this poster has been used as a space to revisit the work of British designer Ken Briggs (b.1931) and to demonstrate the impact, presence and tactile nature of print.
Softback, 48 pages
Award certificate using the first edition of George Bernard Shaw’s Back to Methuselah. A Metabiological Pentateuch, 1921. The words, ‘You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’’ were first published in this book.
International award winner:
Rami Farook, UAE
Photograph by Frank Noon
Poster for Olympik exhibition:
39 Sports, 39 Designers, 39 Posters
German Gymnasium, London
22 – 24 September 2009
Softback, 80 pages
In association with the Roundhouse
Hardback, 92 pages
Softback, 104 pages
Softback, 140 pages
Banner for Palazzo Pesaro Papafava, Venice Biennale
Hardback, 192 pages
Hardback, 184 pages
Softback, 48 pages
On-site marketing for Pae White installation at Gloucester Road Underground station
Installation photograph by
Daisy Hutchison
Hardback, 288 pages
Semina No. 4
Softback, 128 pages
Softback, 52 pages
Hardback, 160 pages
Softback, 40 pages
Softback, 120 pages
Softback, 80 pages
Semina No. 3
Softback, 120 pages
Selected for the D&AD (Design
and Art Direction) Annual 2010
A one-day conference on book design at St Bride Library, London
curated by Sara De Bondt and
Fraser Muggeridge
Chrissie Charlton
Jenny Eneqvist, Roland Früh
& Corina Neuenschwander
James Goggin
Sarah Gottlieb
Richard Hollis
Mevis & Van Deursen
Catherine de Smet
Softback, 40 pages
Softback, 20 pages
Hardback, 48 pages